Sunday, March 22, 2009

Leprechaun Catching

For St. Patrick's Day 2009, Elise decided she wanted to catch a leprechaun. Her parents were hopeful this would work, as we could use the pot of gold. To capture the leprechaun, Elise devised and created the patent pending Leprechaun Catcher (see pictured item). She left the "catcher" outside overnight, baited with paper gold coins. She was sad in the morning that no leprechaun was caught; however, he did leave a note and some green oreo cookies in his wake. The Poem: "You think you can trick me with rainbows and gold. But I'm really fast, even though I am old. Here is a treat to help you play. I hope you have a happy St. Patrick's Day." Maybe better luck next year. I'm kinda worried though for the Easter bunny this year.

Goblin Valley & Green River Excursion

On a spur of the moment decision, since Rick had Wed - Fri off work, Julianne had a dislocated shoulder (thus no skiing as previously planned), and the trailer now has new tires - we decided to go exploring. We didn't decide on where to go until moments before we left the house. We ended up in Green River, Utah with the plan to go to Goblin Valley. We did go to Goblin Valley and had a great time running around, on and over the hundreds of "goblin" rock formations in the valley (those little bumps in the background are 2 to 20 foot rock "goblins") .

But the real highlight ended up being our paleontology exploration of dinosaur fossils! We found a Green River brochure that described an off-road bluff that has at least a hundred rocks that have dinosaur bone fossils and / or casts of bones. Once we figured out what we were looking for, we saw tons! Carter and Elise are pictured proudly displaying a rock that has a cast of a sauropod (aka brontosaurus) neck.

Another day we again went off-roading, this time to a location of some native American wall drawings. Elise deciphered that the drawings meant "new chief," and of course we have no way to prove her wrong!

When we decided to buy our trailer last year, this was the exact kind of impulsive weekends we'd hope we would do to create fun memories for and with the kids. Mission accomplished.

And of course, a true sign of a great vacation is wiped out kids. No, drugs were not needed to induce these slumbers. Looks like we need to invest in more pillows.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Logan Trip

For President's Day weekend, we decided we needed to get out of town. So we headed to Logan, Utah and stayed with Julianne's sister, aunt Janaka. We took a day trip to Lava Hot Springs, ID and enjoyed a relaxing soak in the hot pools. The kids were once again so well behaved. On Monday we went to a park and had Janaka take some family pictures of us in the snow. We should have thought that snow on the ground would equate to cold temperatures and would have dressed our kids in warm clothes, but alas, this detail escaped us. So most of the pictures show shivering and crying children with parents telling them to "Smile !#$*" One of these choice pictures is now our "2009 family picture". Now we see why people go to JCPenney for indoor family pictures :)