For those needing to catch up on the Rick and Juliane and Elise and Carter and Emilyn Rawlins family, here's Rawlins 101 for February 2009:
Rick: Rick is still enjoying his job as a therapist / supervisor at Valley Mental Health. He supervises two treatment units for children and adolescents, specializing in child abuse. At church, he was recently released as the Young Men's President and is now working with the Old Men as the High Priest Group secretary. In his spare time Rick is training for his 5th marathon, the Ogden, Utah marathon in May 2009. He still holds the fastest time for a marathon amongst his slow running buddy friends. When he's not chasing his dream to run in the Boston Marathon, he's chasing his 3 kids as they tackle him when he comes home from work.
Julianne: Julianne is still going strong as the maternal head of the Rawlins clan. Her latest parenting feat is boasting that Emilyn is now potty trained. We're trying to determine the best "diaper send off ceremony" as now all three kids can potty on their own. When she's not doling out treats for successful toilet use, Julianne is helping Elise practice the piano and do homework, or scraping Carter off her legs as he begs for her every waking moment. At church, Julianne is still the Young Women's President and enjoying having a full group of Laurels with whom to text weekly.
Elise: Elise is now 7 and in the 2nd grade. She is the most creative and kind girl one could hope for. We cannot throw away anything of "craftable" use, as Elise will retrieve it from the recycle bin and make a craft that Martha Stewart would be proud of. Elise is in her sixth month of piano lessons and at times still loves it. She does great at school and at home is always good for a snuggle and a hug.
Carter: Carter is turning 5 in March and will be starting kindergarten in August. He currently goes to pre-school and already has a girl friend. She doesn't know that yet, which is fine with us. He is a very happy and entertaining little ball of energy. If action movies ever need a foley artist, Carter would be happy to help them out - as he's always making crashing and exploding noises as he whirlwinds through the house.
Emilyn: AKA, Emi (pronounced "M" "E", which is way too fitting as you'll see), is two and a half going on five. In fact, if Carter doesn't start growing soon, she'll be taller than him in no time. As stated above, she is now (knock on wood...) officially potty trained. Once she decides she wants to do something, she does it; especially if it's something we don't want her to do. Don't cross her unless you are sporting some quality earplugs. But those earsplitting moments are lessening and she is becoming a very sweet girl. One example of this cute yet self-assurred girl is when she's going to sleep, she'll say "daddy / mommy, snuggle", but then after 37 seconds, she'll turn over and say, "Go Away!".
Well, that's the 411 for our little fam. Things are going great for us in our little corner of the world.